Monday, September 28, 2009

Phish: Halloween Hints?

Just posted today on Phish's website is a gallery of album covers which could possibly act to narrow down which album will be covered on Halloween. For those who are unfamiliar with Phish's Halloween tradition, every Halloween Phish performs a "costume" set where they cover an entire album by an artist or band whom they are inspired by. While many have speculated as to which album they will play during their costume set at Halloween weekend's Festival 8, there have been no hints given by the band until now. Among the numerous albums displayed on their website are some that could've been predicted such as Thriller (in memory of Michael Jackson), Exile on Main St. (Phish frequently covers "Loving Cup" from this Stones classic), and Fear of Music (they also commonly pull out a funky cover of "Cities" from this Talking Heads album), but the plethora of covers also shows some that come as a complete surprise like MGMT's Oracular Spectacular, Beastie Boys' Hello Nasty, and the White Stripes' Get Behind Me Satan. Seeing as how the website says Phish will play the "last record left alive," I'm sure they will sporadically take albums away leaving one in the end for all Phishheads to enjoy. Take a peek at the gallery for yourself at Phish will perform this costume set at Festival 8 which will take place 10/30-11/1 at the Empire Polo Grounds in Indio, CA.

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1 comment:

  1. Hey Perry -

    I've got a complete list of album possibilities (and fatalities) up on Jamtopia for your viewing pleasure.

    Hope to see you there!

