Monday, September 28, 2009

Attention College Students: DJ Dangerous Dave and PhiStock

Fall is a busy time for college students, but its crucial to leave room for the most important thing: The music. For all students in the Boston area, I have a couple things to give you a heads-up about. The first being Wentworth's #1 radio show, DJ Dangerous Dave's "Through The Wire." Dangerous Dave (Dave Robb) is back at it for year number three as the shows host and plans to bring the show to the next level this year by featuring guest hosts and perhaps even organizing concerts by schoolyear's end. For those unfamiliar with the show, it airs Tuesday and Thursday nights from 8-9PM (ignore the times on the picture) and features a wide array of music as well as insightful chatter about today's on-goings and going-ons. You can stream Dave's show by visiting

Next I would like to make everybody aware of a special event occurring this Saturday at the BU beach at Boston University. PhiStock, presented by BU's Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority, will be happening this Saturday, October 3rd, from 1-4PM. The event, which will feature music, arts, and guest speakers, will benefit the Sharsheret Breast Cancer Organization as part of Breast Cancer Awareness month. As for music, the lineup is as follows:
Chorderoy (
Terry and the Sall Shakers
Dear Havanah (
The Imps

Other activities will include a tie dye station, spin art, hemp and beads, dart art, and a hippie dress up booth. Tickets are 7$ in advance (at the GSU link, Sept. 28th-Oct. 2nd) and 8$ at the door. Outdoor concert season is winding down people, so what better way to spend a nice fall day than listening to some great tunes, supporting a terrific charity, and hangin' with the fine young ladies of AEPhi.

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