Monday, September 21, 2009

The Concert Buzz Now on Twitter and New URL

The Concert Buzz has been living and growing now for just a few mere weeks, but reader responses have already been both abundant and helpful. I (Perry), am taking more and more strides to make this website convenient, accessible, and attractive. My ultimate goal is to attract new followers every day, so in hopes of accomplishing this, I have added two new features to The Concert Buzz. First, you can now access The Concert Buzz through the domain name In the near future, I hope to change the blog completely to its new domain name, but still being a novice to the world wide web, I am having trouble doing this (any advice would be appreciated). Secondly, The Concert Buzz has also just joined Twitter! While I am also still learning correct Twitter technique, I encourage all readers who have Twitter to become a follower there as well at Thanks for the support thus far and be sure to tell friends, family, and any other music fan you might know. Keep checking up on the site for future news, reviews, and other music happenings. 

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