Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Local Top 3: 7/25/10-7/31/10

Last week was filled with head-spinning electronica and "Un-Tiss" drum-n-bass madness. Hope you kiddies didn't have too much fun, we still got a hot n' heavy August to fit in our tummies! This week we're gettin real local, so if you've been lurking in the shade for the past couple months, stick you head out and come say hi to some Boston love. Soak in the red, white, and blue for one more week friends, 'cause the sun has almost set on July!

Wednesday 7/28
Calderwood Courtyard at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
Drug Rug

I've had a personal obsession with Drug Rug since their break onto the scene a couple of years ago. The Commonwealth's loveliest dose of psychedelia will be playing their last show for a while this Wednesday at the MFA. They will be playing with their full lineup which is always a plus and openers Tune-Yards are sure to please with their zany freak-folk as well.

Thursday 7/29
House of Blues Front Room, Boston, MA
Mondo Gecko

Perhaps my favorite local jamband will be playing two sets for free this Thursday at the House of Blues front room. The Gecko is making big strides lately picking up a new Gordo-esque bass player and regulating the New England festival scene. Hop aboard the Gecko-train this week and I'm sure you will have a hard time getting off. Also please note I think it's wonderful what the HoB is doing with these free local shows on week nights. I don't always agree with the way they handle some things, but this was definitely a good move and a big help for local bands!

Saturday 7/31
Royale, Boston, MA
Seu Jorge and Almaz

You remember that cool movie called The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou? You remember that Brazilian dude that sang all the Bowie covers in Portuguese? Yeah, that dude's name is Seu Jorge and he does more than just Bowie covers! He'll be at Royale on Saturday night playing songs in a different language, so come on out and get cultured! TICKET GIVEAWAY! Be the first to comment on this post with your email and your favorite thing about The Concert Buzz and win 2 free tickets to this show!

Go see some local music this week,


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  1. My favorite thing about the Concert Buzz is how it helps us stay up to date with all the live shows going on! My email is strenor [at] gmail.com. Thanks!

  2. My favorite the concert buzz is that you hook me up with the best local bands! Thanks for pointing me in the direction of a great time! morganjbj at hotmail.com ! wooo hooo!

  3. Thanks folks. Your favorite things about TCB put a smile on my face. Have fun this weekend!
