Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Buzz Looks at 'Roo 2010: Worth It?

Yesterday, the Bonnaroo 2010 lineup was released (check it here, y'all) in a really pain-in-the-ass fashion. The Bonnaroo website revealed a band every few minutes throughout a 9-hour span just so that everyone would become that much more impatient. First of all, I apologize for my bluff lineup that was posted a few days ago, but I had fun looking at it, didn't you? Now that we know the real deal, I thought I'd throw out a Pro/Con list to see if 2010 will be a good year for 'Roo goers everywhere.

- Diversity: This lineup sticks with the Bonnaroo trend of covering all styles A to Z. DMB to Jay-Z, Zac Brown to Jimmy Cliff, and everything in between. If you're a music lover, there is at least something here for you.
-Below the tip of the Iceberg: Sure, the headliners here appeal to a large audience, but if you look further down the list, that's where this lineup can really come alive. Edward Sharpe, Dr. Dog, Trombone Shorty, Hot Rize, the options are endless and the small tents will be rockin'.
-There's gotta be more to it: Dave, Kings, Stevie, and Jay-Z aren't the headliners, are they? There's gotta be another huge name announced. Coming off of 2 nights of Phish and The Boss last year, there's no way they're gonna make fans settle for those headliners this year. Keep your eyes out for additions in the near future.
-Stevie Wonder is there: Any lineup with Stevie is a good lineup. The man is a legend and still puts on an incredible, soulful show. It's incredibly hard to dislike Stevie and I'm sure his set will be the bombdotcom.
-Experience Matters- Bonnaroo has been happening since 2002. They've seen what has worked, they've seen what hasn't worked, and they've refined themselves year after year. Bonnaroo has become more of a full experience every time it happens (There's a fuckin' Whole Foods Tent there now!).

- Size: Bonnaroo has become a calamity of sorts in terms of size. It can definitely accommodate that many but I'm going to break this one down into two sub-points to make my case:
1. Inconvenience: You drive great distances to get there, because lets face it, how many music festival fans are there in Tennessee? Then after that many hours of driving, you have to wait hours upon hours in line just to get in. Once you get in, you find a campsite way too close to somebody else that's way too far from all of the stages. Theres just so many people there it is hard to maneuver.
2. Clash of Personalities: You may be wanting to scream at me, "Hey Perry, you dumb shit, your favorite band, Phish puts on festivals this big, so why are you hatin' on the 'Roo?" Well indeed Phish have thrown festivals of equal if not greater proportions, however, not all have worked. Coventry, in 2004, was a disaster and 30,000 people had to be turned away. The other many were successful, however, because everyone was there with the same mission: to see Phish play. Bonnaroo has a large and diverse lineup, attracting a large and diverse crowd which is both a blessing and a curse. Some can deal with the crowd, others have gotten sick of the college party-boys, hipster know-it-alls, nitrous-sucking wookies, and quiet older folks (not to stereotype or anything).
- Wait, wasn't this a jamband festival?: The 'Roo started in 2002 in honor of Michael Houser, the late guitarist for Widespread Panic. The concept was to have a jamband festival. Not purely a jamband festival, but one chock full of improvisational music. Believe me, I love music of all kinds, but I count no more than eight "jambands" on this list. Bonnaroo is becoming more of a Tennessee Coachella or Lollapalooza than anything.
- It's expensive: 260 bucks is a lotta cash. There is definitely great bang for your buck, but same with every other festival out there.
-It's in Tennesee- Tennesee is a long drive for many, and it is South of the Mason Dixon. I love the heat, but it gets HOT in Tennessee in June. Also, I've heard many police horror stories surrounding Bonnaroo. The minute you enter 'Roo territory with an out-of-state license plate, you are shark bait, so don't try anything too sneaky, kids!

Great lineup, not gonna go. Bonnaroo hasn't run its course, not even close, but it isn't the same as it once was. There are many festivals out there today that are a bit smaller and have terrific lineups that will definitely have cool sit-ins and more of an artistically communal atmosphere. Lotsa folks seem to be going to Bonnaroo these days just to say they've gone to Bonnaroo, but if you're in it for the music, check out some other festies like Summer Camp, Wakarusa, All Good, Mountain Jam, Wannee, or even this year's NOLA Jazz Fest. If you are going, I wish you a grand time (it'll be hard not to), and I hope you are able to tell me off!

You can see the full 2010 Bonnaroo lineup and buy tickets here.

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1 comment:

  1. The lineup is awesome! It's just missing the main part, a freakin HEADLINER! I was really pumped about the Water's thing. I hope they can pull it out but who even knows if they even tried. It doesn't sound that inconceivable to me. Your fake lineup was just what I needed. The real lineup has me extremely distressed. I'm torn because for me personally it's one of the best lineups ever except it's missing it's heart and soul. Like a really beautiful girl with no vagina.
