Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Become a Legend: Design the Concert Buzz Logo

It's been almost a year since the birth of The Concert Buzz, and while posts have decreased a bit(I know, I'm sorry), I hope to once again ramp it up, and with that, I need some style brotha! I have decided to launch the first Concert Buzz Contest! The rules are as follows:

Task: Design me a totally balls logo to put at the top of my blog! This logo should include the title, but otherwise it is up to you and where your creative juices decide to take you (but keep the juices to yourself please, thanks). Submissions can be made from your computer using Paint, KidPix, etc. or just done by hand and scanned to your computer. All submissions should be sent to for consideration!

Prizes: Winner gets any and all of the following:
-A ticket to Phish at Hersheypark Stadium on 6/13
-A ticket to Phish at the Comcast Theatre on 6/18
-A Concert Buzz mix CD (numbered 1/1)
-A firm handshake and a look in the eye!

Deadline: If you want the good prizes, you'll probably want to get your submission in before their particular date (not to say that the other prizes aren't good). If you want to submit something just for the pride of seeing your artwork grace the world's most kickass music blog, then you receive an indefinite extension.

Get into artsy-mode and create me the most breathtaking masterpiece that the blogoshpere has ever witnessed. I give you my 2 cents, now I want your 10 in return.

Good Luck!

Perry Eaton
creator: The Concert Buzz

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