Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ticketmaster and Live Nation Merge

Today is a sad day for musicians, bands, and concertgoers across the nation. The Department of Justice has somehow approved the merging of Ticketmaster and Live Nation, which will now become Live Nation Entertainment. For those not familiar, this merge will combine the nation's largest concert ticket distributor with a large selection of major venues across the country and America's biggest concert promotion company. The so-called "convenience" and "processing" fees that fans must pay are already usually in the double-digits and will probablt just keep increasing now that this merge has gone through. When the merge was originally proposed, it was met with a great deal of resistance from the music community, but now that it has passed, there will be a direct effect on all parties involved.

According to the official press release: "Live Nation Entertainment's mission will be to improve the live entertainment experience and to drive major innovations in ticketing technology, marketing and service. Through this merger, the parties believe that the combined company will have the tools to develop new products, expand access, improve transparency and deliver artists and fans more choice. This will drive greater attendance at live events and bringing more value to all major constituents in the industry."

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1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right. This can be nothing but bad news for consumers. A big ripp-off just became a huge rip-off. Get this thing hooked up to your face book page so more people can read what you write. People want your two cents.....you never know what might come back!

    Boss Man
