Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Festival 8 in 3D

Are you like me and missed one of the most epic music events of the year this past weekend in Indio, CA? Well luckily, for those of us who were not at Phish's Festival 8 this past weekend, it seems as though a 3-D concert film will be made from the event similar to the U2 3-D movie that was recently released. As reported by the Desert Sun:

"Phish is getting a wide theatrical release next year of the 3D movie they shot at Festival 8. Their advertising and publicity budget will be tiny compared to other nationally distributed films because they have such a direct relationship with their fans online."

No details about a release date have been specified, but considering the rave reviews that the U2 film got, this is definitely something for Phish fans to look forward to.

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1 comment:

  1. This has nothing on the Jonas Brothers 3d concert experience
